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Introducing WildAid | LOVE BRAND & Co’s Hero Charity Partner

Rhino helped by WildAid
Oliver and Rose, Love Brand's founders, are so excited to announce our support of WildAid as our hero charity partner for the next year. In October 2014, they attended a lecture at the Royal Geographical Society in London, given by Peter Knights, CEO and co-founder of WildAid. Struck by their innovative approach to conservation and protecting wildlife they have been wanting to work with them in a meaningful way ever since. They are excited to introduce you to them and wanted to share more information on their important work, as you in turn will be helping us support the charity with every purchase you make from Love Brand.
Oliver & Rose Love Brand & Co. FoundersRose and Oliver Tomalin, co-founders of LOVE BRAND & Co.

WildAid tackles the demand that funds and fuels the illegal wildlife trade. WildAid’s mission is to end the illegal wildlife trade in our lifetime. They aim to reduce global consumption of wildlife products, using high-impact and celebrity-driven campaigns with far-reaching and meaningful results. Ultimately ensuring a more peaceful and respectful co-existence with nature.

WildAid’s research tells us that the illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion dollar global industry largely driven by consumer demand in expanding economies. While most wildlife conservation groups focus on scientific studies and anti-poaching efforts, WildAid works to reduce global consumption of wildlife products and to increase local support for conservation efforts. WildAid also work with governments and partners to protect fragile marine reserves from illegal fishing and shark finning, to enhance public and political will for anti-poaching efforts, and to reduce climate change impacts.

WildAid’s driving forces are so closely aligned with Love Brand's, resonating strongly with the reason why we created the brand. Dedicated to giving the natural world a voice and a narrative, treating it with the respect it demands of us - we couldn’t ask for a better partner in WildAid.

“We are delighted and proud to partner with Love Brand & Co. A company that is leading the way in conscientious consumerism. We wish every corporation had the environment and it’s majestic creatures interests at heart like Love Brand & Co.”  Corie & Peter Knights, Co-Founders WildAid
Elephant WildAid Charity PartnerImage courtesy of WildAid & photographer Andrew Wegst

Elephants are at the core of Love Brand. They are animals that we believe hold the key to the change of attitude needed to ensure a healthier planet in the future. Elephants demand a huge amount of wild space to survive and to us protecting them means protecting so much more.

With this in mind, we couldn’t kick off the partnership without telling you about WildAid’s amazing achievements in tackling the demand for ivory which in return leads to the protection of elephants. Their efforts and tireless campaigns since 2012 have meant that mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, and Taiwan banned all commercial sales of ivory. This goes hand in hand with their work to protect elephants from the threats they face from growing human populations, habitat loss, poaching and human-wildlife conflict.

What also excites us is the opportunity we now have to raise awareness for all endangered species. WildAid’s programmes look to protect sharks, manta rays, elephants, rhinos, tigers, lions, pangolins and more. So look out for the exciting WildAid projects we will be helping raise awareness and funds for in our mission to help save the species so vital to the future of this planet.

Since day one, ten years ago, Love Brand has been donating a percentage of revenue – not profits – to protecting elephants and endangered species. Every year, we work closely with remarkable conservation charities and environmental foundations and we are proud to have chosen WildAid this year.
