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Since 2019, we have proudly supported the Ibiza Preservation’s work to help conserve and raise awareness for Posidonia Seagrass. We have donated over €15,000 so far to the work of Ibiza Preservation. The ancient and magical underwater meadows are critical to the marine ecosystem and are called ‘the lungs of the sea’.

Posidonia Oceanica seagrass is a key component of the local marine ecosystem and many Mediterranean species depend on it for survival. Not only are these seagrasses breeding grounds for fish, but they are a huge carbon sink and produce an immense amount of oxygen, as well as filtering and purifying the water. These sprawling underwater meadows have existed for more than 1,000 years and thus have been recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Posidonia Oceanica faces serious threats from humans such as boat anchors, coastal construction and pollution; each of which has played a part in destroying a vast percentage of the seagrass. It is reported that approximately 34% of the Posidonia meadows have been lost within the last 50 years. Posidonia oceanica is also a very slow-growing species, one square meter of the seagrass takes over ten decades to regenerate.

Together with IP, we are changing the tide. By using high-tech equipment, IP and partners have been able to map the Posidonia seagrass meadows that surround the islands and develop a mobile app which enables seafarers, both recreational and occupational, with an interactive map of the meadows, so they will actively avoid anchoring on the meadows.

This remarkable seagrass has inspired a number of LOVE BRAND & Co. prints over the years and are proud to continue to raise funds and awareness for Protecting Posidonia in collaboration with Ibiza Preservation and local marine biologist Manu San-Felix and local hospitality partner Nobu Ibiza Bay. Together changing the profile and hopefully the fate of this incredible plant, Posidonia Oceanica.

"The spirit and philosophy of LOVE BRAND & Co. is an example of how companies can do a lot for the protection and recovery of nature."

Marine biologist and National Geographic photographer

