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A Postcard From...Waris Ahluwalia

Waris Ahluwalia
Waris Ahluwalia, actor & designer, is driven by a deep and abiding desire to create stories, products and experiences that captivate, transport, and shift perception.

House of Waris, founded in 2007, is his speciality botanical tea company dedicated to exploring design through craftsmanship. Organic, botanical, non-GMO and delicious. The company encapsulates Waris’ outlook on using ‘Wellness as a Celebration’ and the view that you really are what you drink.

We couldn’t think of a better brew to add to the mix of our new coffee bar menu.
With brilliant blends from ‘Love Conquers All’ to ‘Sweet Clarity’, House of Waris teas offer an experience rooted in plant science, centred around education and celebration and are a delicious solution to everyday stress. Like us, Waris has taken the time to explore and exert love and attention into sourcing the raw materials that make his products so successful, such as Shatavari root from India (an adaptogen at the centre of ayurvedic medicine) and rose petals from Egypt (abundant in vitamin C).

He also is a fellow collaborator with Elephant Family, a charity Love Brand has worked closely with for over 10 years now.

Waris came across Elephant Family while he was working with Wes Anderson on The Darjeeling Limited. Anderson asked him to make a pin that his character, a train steward, would wear on his uniform. Ahluwalia made an elephant and then searched for a charity to donate the proceeds to after he sold the pins commercially. And so began another collaboration, another celebration of life.

However, the story doesn’t stop there, House of Waris Teas is directly helping elephants around the world too, as part of its mission is to also help the tea farmers and convert their land into elephant-friendly territories.
Waris Teas

“Today, tea is a rare oasis in a world of noise and distraction.”

Stocking House of Waris Teas ourselves gave us the opportunity to have a chat with Waris. Learn about his incredible way of life, his desire to help everyone find a better way to live and his travelling tales. 

What is your stand-out travel memory?

Driving a vintage jeep across Rajasthan with other wildlife-loving friends to raise money for Elephant Family’s urgent mission to protect the endangered species of Asia. Wish you were here!

What is your most memorable moment with wildlife? Any close shaves?

Any encounter with wildlife in its natural habitat is memorable. These habitats are so few like the species they are home to. Of course, some moments play in your mind over and over again. Seeing a baby elephant walk alongside its mother. Watching a tiger saunter through the woods. Majesty and grace beyond human understanding.
Waris Ahluwalia

What’s your idea of a perfect family holiday?

Laughs. Food. Adventure. Swimming. Sunshine. Did I mention food already?

If you had to choose, where is your favourite place on earth (so far)?

Why oh why make my heart choose? Who could endure such cruelty? Shall I say the Great Thar desert of Rajasthan, or high up in Darjeeling with views of the heavenly Himalayas? Driving through Jamaica’s lush terrain or swimming in the deep tropics of Thailand? Lost in the Kalahari or tracking lions in Amboseli with the Lion Guardians? Don’t even get me started on dancing in Paris till sunrise. You see my dilemma, don’t you?

Looking back on your successes, what piece of advice would you share?

Don’t bother with my advice. Just pay close attention to your instinct. Learn to read your internal compass.

One thing you don’t know about me is…

I can keep a secret. Fort Knox.
