Over the course of the past month, our project in association with Elephant Family to minimise the human-elephant conflict (HEC) has continued as Dulu and members of Green Guard Nature Organisation work tirelessly. This month they have focused their efforts on the vegetation in the Nagaon-Karbi Anglong area. The teams have facilitated the plantation of over 300 wood-apple and elephant-apple trees which are a substantial snack for grazing elephants. Planting nutritional plants for elephants deters them from roaming onto the land of local communities and eating valuable crops.
The Tools
As well as the reintroduction of these plants, Dulu and the teams have also gathered together over 2,500 flashlights, hundreds of pipes, as well as air horns for the communities that have been affected by elephants. These materials are all tools to help communities discourage elephants from descending upon villages in the night. Several innovative warning initiatives such as early warning systems and crop barrier fencing have been tested and deployed in key areas which have been hugely successful in the mitigation of HEC. The early warning systems were extremely beneficial, and once tested, locals received comprehensive training on how to use and work with them efficiently.

World Environment Day
This month, Dulu was invited to the Faculty Higher Secondary School in Assam, where they celebrated World Environment Day. Dulu was the chief guest this year, and he was able to share with over 1,200 students stories of his rescue experiences and the importance of saving each wild creature he comes across. Dulu emphasised the immense pleasure he gets when he is able to help an animal in distress and how he is committed to a future where animals in India are free to roam the wild in peace.
All of us at Love Brand are so thrilled that Dulu is able to continue working so hard to help elephants suffering from HEC. The awareness that he spreads to the young children in the affected areas is beyond valuable and holds so much for the future of Indian elephants.
We will continue to update you on Dulu’s incredible conservation work. This project is funded exclusively by you the Love Brand customer. Thank you for helping us help save elephants from extinction.