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Fondest Fatherhood Memories with Oliver Tomalin | The Sette

Oliver Tomalin and his children wearing sustainable swimwear
Celebrating Father’s Day this year, The Sette sat down with some of their favourite tastemakers to share their fondest fatherhood memories. Oliver, father of two and Love Brand founder tells us his journey so far in fatherhood…

‘I’m a father of two and a very happy dad. It’s just the most amazing thing to be a parent. My wife and I struggled to have children, so it was a total miracle when we had our baby boy and then we very quickly had our daughter. It wasn’t what we bargained for! But every day is a blessing.

I’m lucky to have had a great father myself. Dad is a travelling banker, so business and travel runs in the family blood. He worked all over the world as a young man, which was very inspiring. I was born in Hong Kong and my sister and I grew up in all these wonderful places. That definitely rubbed off on me; Love Brand is a travel-inspired, beachwear concept. You can absolutely see where that came from!
Love Brand & Co. Founder Oliver Tomalin and FamilyOliver Tomalin with his children at Nobu Ibiza Bay, Ibiza

He’s been the most amazing dad to me, both as a mentor and as a kind of angel for the brand. He believed in the mission and the whole idea from the off. Since day one, we’ve been committed to donating a percentage of our revenue to help save elephants and endangered species. He’s been the biggest fan and ambassador and I wouldn’t have the business today if it wasn’t for him.

Since I’ve had my own children, I’ve realised how amazing it is, the way they become immersed in your world, whatever you’re doing. I didn’t ask for my son’s favourite animal to be elephants, he just picked that up from me! I promised my daughter that we’d go to Africa to see some elephants or, as she calls them, ‘ephelants’. The pandemic got in the way of that, so we ended up going to see some at Whipsnade Zoo, which was definitely a pretty special memory for me.’
